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Since its establishment in 1964, Department of Chemistry at Mohanlal Sukhadia University has continued to be excellent in research and teaching. The department aims to provide exceptional training to all the students interested in cutting-edge research/education and is one of the leading departments in science and technology with a growing list of accolades. In addition to teaching chemistry courses to the undergraduate students, department covers all the major areas of chemistry, viz. inorganic, organic, physical, polymer and industrial chemistry courses to the postgraduate students and the advanced analytical techniques to research scholars intending to do PhD. The research laboratories are well equipped with state-of-art sophisticated instrumentation facilities to facilitate research in almost all the traditional as well as interdisciplinary research areas of chemistry. We currently have 19 faculty members and approximately 88 PhD students with strong research foundation in conventional areas (organic, inorganic, physical, and theoretical/computational) as well as highly interdisciplinary and dynamic research areas such as supramolecular chemistry, target and diversity oriented organic synthesis, nano-chemistry, catalysis, polymer and biochemical materials. The faculty members of the department are well qualified and motivated with a strong commitment to teaching and research. The faculties are actively involved in sponsored research projects. The department has completed 32 research projects, published more than 2000 research papers and has produced approximately 430 PhDs. The main source of external funding comes from Department of Science and Technology (DST), University Grant Commission (UGC), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
We suggest all prospective students and visitors explore our website to learn more about our department.
Mohanlal Sukhadia University
Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan, India
EPABX: 0294-2470918/ 2471035/ 2471969
Last Updated on : 14/02/25
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